Brescia. The program for the next Alpine Cup by 1000 Miglia was presented yesterday, a regularity race that abandons its usual winter event and will involve 30 crews for the entire week from 28 April to 4 May . The departure will be from Trieste reaching 5 stages along the entire Alpine arc from East to West, crossing the borders of Italy , Slovenia , Austria , Liechtenstein , Switzerland , Germany and France , for a total of approximately 1300 kilometers which will take them up to Courmayeur . Cortina, Seefeld, Saint Moritz and Gstaad are the stopover cities.

After the success of the 2023 edition, 1000 Miglia has decided to use the strength of its network to launch the ambitious project of the Great Alpine Journey , a path of reflection parallel to the race itinerary aimed at representing the socio-economic, anthropological and environmental transformations of the Alpine macroregion . Representatives of the different areas of interest and belonging to the nations crossed by the 2024 Alpine Cup will be part of the convoy that will tackle the route. There are five proposed themes : agriculture , craftsmanship , culture , energy and tourism which will be combined with the different stopover and transit locations.